Sesta edizione Football is a medicine conference
Archivio news
Pubblicato il: 2023-12-18 09:17:29

Preliminary Programme

Tuesday 23 January 2024

Morning Program

9.30 Welcome

10.00 Physiology of Football: From Elite to patients’ groups [Magni Mohr]

10.50 Football across the life span [Malte Nejst Larsen]

11.20 Coffee break

11.40 The power of play [Susana Póvoas]

12.30 Lunch

Afternoon Program

13.30 Poster session

14.00 Social Football [Carlo Castagna]

14.30 Football for special populations [May-Britt Skoradal]

15.00 Football training effects on skeletal muscle biological aging [Pasqualina Buono]

15.30 Cancer and Football [Elena Barbieri]

16.00 Oral presentations

17.00 Coffee break

17.30 Implementation research approaches to extend the community impact of FIM

interventions [Filipe Lobelo]• 18.00 Closing of first conference day

19.30 Conference dinner

Wednesday 24 January 2024

9.30 Football medicine and medical clearance [Luca Gatteschi]

10.00 Men’s and women’s Football or just Football? [Svein Arne Pettersen]

10.30 Coffee break

10.50 Research in recreational Football - future directions [Carlo Castagna]

11.20 Football fitness evolution: assessing the present and paving the way

forward. [Magni Mohr]

11.50 Conclusions and passing the ball to Jyväskylä, Finland

12.00-13.00 Steering Committee Meeting

Updated on 08/01/24

Conference registration can be completed by sending a request to

no later than the 20th of January 2024

There is no conference fee.

Sesta edizione Football is a medicine conference
